9″ Height Traditional Street Name Sign

SKU: 1400-2


SKU: 1400-2 Category:


All street/road name signs are made of rust free aluminum with engineer reflective sheeting or high intensity prismatic sheeting. High intensity prismatic signs have an average lifespan of 10 years.

Street/Road name signs come available in flat aluminum.  9″ height signs have a 6” primary name and 3” suffix (St, Rd, Ave, etc.) Length of the street name signs vary depending on the name on the sign. Custom street name signs with city logos are available. Please call 1.800.443.7103 when ordering custom signs.

New nationwide standards require street name signs to be high intensity prismatic with a upper/lowercase legend. The new standards also require that the only alternative to the green background is blue, brown or white. A black legend shall be used if the background is white, otherwise the legend color shall be white. These new laws governing street names have to be completed by the year 2018 so engineer grade signs can still be purchased but will not meet the new standards in 2018.

New Standards regarding sign height:
On roads 25 mph or less, a 6″ sign with 4″ lettering can be used.
On roads with a speed limit of greater than 25 mph, a 9″ sign with 6″ lettering is required.