NEW NATIONAL REQUIREMENTS for maintaining traffic sign retroreflectivity. On December 21, 2007, The Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued Final Regulations governing the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for streets and highways (MUTCD); Maintaing Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity. This final rule is far reaching in effect and applies to most regulatory, warning, street name, and both ground mounted and overhead guide signs – whether permanent, temporary or portable – on all public roads and private property where the public is invited to travel. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: A. What does the new rule require? The new federal standard as published in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) requires all agencies or officials having jurisdiction over a road to implement a method to keep their traffic signs above an established minimum level of retroreflectivity. B. What is the MUTCD? The MUTCD is recognized as the national standard for all traffic control devices installed on any street, highway, bicycle trail open to the public. C. What signs are affected? The regulation applies to most regulatory, warning, street name and guide signs. These signs are also referred to as white, red, yellow, green, or orange series signs. THE FOLLOWING SIGNS ARE EXCLUDED: Parking, standing, walking, adopt-a-highway, all signs with blue or brown backgrounds, and bikeway signs that are intended for exclusive use by bicyclists or pedestrians. D. Is there a compliance timetable for these new regulations? Yes, actually there are three different compliance dates and the clock has started running as of Jan. 2008. 1st compliance date – Public agencies or officials that have jurisdiction over public roadways have four years (until Jan. 2012) to have a implement program or management method in place. 2nd compliance date – A 7-year replacement period (until Jan. 2015) has been established for regulatory, warning, and ground mounted guide signs (except for street name signs). 3rd compliance date – A 10-year replacement period (until Jan. 2018) has been established for street name and overhead guide signs. For more detailed information regarding the new changes you can visit: